Power Asymmetries: An Analysis of Gaps between Hierarchical Levels and Organizational Culture

  • Carlos Molina Universidad Católica del Norte
  • Boris Heredia Rojas Universidad Católica del Norte
  • Gianni Romaní Universidad Católica del Norte
  • Raúl Reynaga Universidad Católica del Norte
Keywords: Retail industry, Organizational culture, Denison model, Power, Hierarchical level


Workers are calling for a new psychological contract in which power differences are less asymmetrical and underrepresented voices are heard. In this context, the present study identifies the gaps between the three organizational hierarchical levels (strategic, executive and operational) with a focus on power asymmetries. Employing the case studies methodology, Denison’s (1990) instrument is applied to measure the four dimensions (Adaptability, Involvement, Mission and Consistency) of organizational culture at a supermarket located in northern Chile that is part of a leading chain regionally and nationally. Information was collected through 163 surveys and analyzed using nonparametric statistics. The results reveal a high correlation between hierarchal levels and the dimensions of organizational culture. However, in four particular sub-dimensions (empowerment, capability development, core values, and agreement), the operational level feels that the higher hierarchal levels impose their power. As well as affecting their motivation and commitment, this compels the lower-level workers to take actions--in which informal power plays a key role--to reduce asymmetries. In sum, the relationship explored in this study between organizational culture, hierarchal levels and power is one that future research should examine in greater depth.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Molina, Universidad Católica del Norte
Ph.D. in Human Resource Development en la Texas A&M University, Director del Departamento de Administración de la Universidad Católica del Norte, Director del Magíster en Dirección de Empresas-Antofagasta, sus líneas de investigación son Aprendizaje Organizacional, Brechas Generacionales e Indicadores en Educación. 
Boris Heredia Rojas, Universidad Católica del Norte
Ph.D. in Project Management, University of Sydney, Australia. Director del Magister en Gestión integral de Proyectos Sede Antofagasta, Universidad Católica del Norte. Línea de investigación gestión de proyectos, programas y portafolios. 
Gianni Romaní, Universidad Católica del Norte
Doctora en Administración de Empresas-Finanzas, Universidad de Sao Paulo, Profesora Titular, Facultad de Economía y Administración, Universidad Católica del Norte, Directora del Centro de Emprendimiento y de la PYME y sus áreas de investigación son emprendimiento y su financiamiento.
Raúl Reynaga, Universidad Católica del Norte
Ingeniero Comercial, Facultad de Economía y Administración de la Universidad Católica del Norte. Investigador del Centro de Emprendimiento y la PYME.


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How to Cite
Molina, C., Heredia Rojas, B., Romaní, G., & Reynaga, R. (2020). Power Asymmetries: An Analysis of Gaps between Hierarchical Levels and Organizational Culture. Journal of Business, Universidad Del Pacífico (Lima, Peru), 11(1), 49-67. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.21678/jb.2019.1245