The Emotional Intelligence of Senior Executives and their Effect on Products Innovation and on Processes Innovation

  • Carmen Dolores Blázquez Puerta PhD Student. PhD Program in Economics and Business University of Málaga
  • Guillermo Bermúdez González University of Málaga
Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Products Innovation, Processes innovation


Abstract: The main aim of this empirical research is to prove that the Emotional Intelligence of senior executives exerts a direct and positive effect upon the Innovation within the different enterprises. The study has been managed to a total figure of 139 senior executives belonging to Spanish Companies from a vast wide range of activities and whose have answered a survey of 22 items. In addition to validating the conceptual model, the outcome from this empirical analysis applying the Structural Equation Model have confirmed the “ Starting hypothesis”: “The Emotional Intelligence of Senior Executives exert a direct and positive effect upon products innovation and upon processes innovation within the companies.


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Author Biography

Guillermo Bermúdez González, University of Málaga
Doctor and Professor - Departament of Economics and Business Administration. University of Málaga (Spain). Campus El Ejido, s/n, 29071, Málaga. Tlf. + 0034 95 213 12 66 / Fax. +0034 95 213 12 93                            


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How to Cite
Blázquez Puerta, C., & Bermúdez González, G. (2020). The Emotional Intelligence of Senior Executives and their Effect on Products Innovation and on Processes Innovation. Journal of Business, Universidad Del Pacífico (Lima, Peru), 11(1), 14-26.